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List of books wanted to buy
book title: Annuaire 1998 / book author(s): Association Luxembourgeoise de Généalogie & Héraldique
Place of buyer Baltimore - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Geschichte der Gemeinde und der Pfarrei Waldbillig / book author(s): DECKER François
Place of buyer Roodt - Price: EUR 20.00
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book title: Geschichte der Gemeinde und der Pfarrei Waldbillig / book author(s): DECKER François
Place of buyer Brecht - Price: EUR 30.00
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book title: Geschichtliche Plaudereien aus Nommern / book author(s): SCHUMACHER Guillaume
Place of buyer Norco, CA, USA - Price: EUR 50.00
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book title: Junglinster au fil des siècles / book author(s): RISCHETTE Joseph/HURT Paul
Place of buyer Brecht - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Livre de Souvenir: Compagnie de Volontaires 1881-1940 / book author(s): Association des Anciens Militaires
Place of buyer BERINGEN - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Messancy Généalogie 1665-2002 / book author(s): HENNICO André
Place of buyer UNTEREISENBACH - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Pfarrei Flaxweiler: Genealogische Arbeitshilfe 1738-1794 / book author(s): GRÃœN Robert
Place of buyer AYDOILLES - Price: EUR 15.00
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book title: Die Luxemburger Gemeinden nach den Weistümern, Lehenerklärungen und Prozessen / book author(s): MAJERUS Nicolas
Place of buyer Belvaux - Price: EUR 25.00
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book title: Walferdinger Familien- und Hausnamen 1650-1900 / book author(s): BOUR Joseph
Place of buyer Boulaide - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Das Ourtal, von der Quelle bis zur Mündung / book author(s): THOMMES Franz, Daleiden
Place of buyer Howald - Price: EUR 25.00
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book title: 50e Anniversaire 1956-2006 / book author(s): Deschtennis Niederpallen; divers auteurs
Place of buyer Esch-Alzette - Price: EUR 20.00
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book title: 40 Joer Chorale St Pierre et Paul Hollerech / book author(s): Chorale Luxembourg-Hollerich
Place of buyer Esch-Alzette - Price: EUR 20.00
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book title: Liebes, Altes Hollerich / book author(s): ETRINGER Norbert
Place of buyer Chernex - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: 150 Joër Kanton Réiden 1841-1991 / book author(s): Collectif d'auteurs
Place of buyer Roodt (Ell) - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Familienbuch der Pfarrei Mettendorf, Dekanat Neuerburg 1641-1900 Teil 2 (N-Z) / book author(s): NAUMANN Werner, Trier
Place of buyer Weilerswist - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Das Kriegsgeschehen an der Dreiländerecke 1939-1940 / book author(s): ETRINGER Norbert
Place of buyer Mecher - Price: EUR 5.00
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book title: Opfer in Feldgrau / book author(s): SCHULLER Leo
Place of buyer Mecher - Price: EUR 5.00
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book title: D´Letzebuerger Bauerenhaus BAND I, II + III / book author(s): CALTEUX Georges
Place of buyer Brecht - Price: EUR 100.00
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book title: Dictionnaire des noms de lieux en Wallonie et à Bruxelles / book author(s): JESPERS Jean-Jacques
Place of buyer Howald - Price: EUR 25.00
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book title: 75 Jar Chorale Ste-Cécile Jonglënster 1919-1994 / book author(s): Chorale Ste-Cécile Junglinster
Place of buyer Soleuvre - Price: EUR 5.00
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book title: Ich war der Exekutierte! / book author(s): FEIL Raymond
Place of buyer Mecher - Price: EUR 10.00
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book title: Givenich, Eine geschichtliche Studie / book author(s): GLESNER Hubert
Place of buyer Hautbellain - Price: EUR 6.00
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book title: Basse- et Haute-Rentgen, Evrange, Hagen, Preisch 1719-1907 / book author(s): Jean Marie NEIERS et Jacques WATRIN
Place of buyer Norco, CA, USA - Price: EUR 20.00
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book title: Elvange, 1.558 baptêmes 1623-1805 / book author(s): Hortense BOHLER-HAAS
Place of buyer MERTZIG - Price: EUR 15.00
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book title: Elvange, 1.558 baptêmes 1623-1805 / book author(s): Hortense BOHLER-HAAS
Place of buyer MERTZIG - Price: EUR 15.00
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book title: Elvange, 1.558 baptêmes 1623-1805 / book author(s): Hortense BOHLER-HAAS
Place of buyer MERTZIG - Price: EUR 15.00
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book title: Elvange, 1.558 baptêmes 1623-1805 / book author(s): Hortense BOHLER-HAAS
Place of buyer MERTZIG - Price: EUR 15.00
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book title: Drucker, Gazettisten und Zensoren, Band 1 / book author(s): GREGOIRE Pierre
Place of buyer Belvaux - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Dudelange, Chronique familiale de la Ville de Dudelange / book author(s): PAULY Marc
Place of buyer 66044 - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: DIE Mühlen des Luxemburger Landes / book author(s): ERPELDING Emile
Place of buyer Helmdange - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: DIE Mühlen des Luxemburger Landes / book author(s): ERPELDING Emile
Place of buyer Luxembourg - Price: EUR 50.00
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book title: The Noesen families of Luxembourg and America / book author(s):
Place of buyer Norco, CA, USA - Price: EUR 50.00
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book title: Bech und Geyershof seit 1637 / book author(s): KETTER Andrée
Place of buyer Bereldange - Price: EUR 25.00
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book title: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Pfarrei Junglinster / book author(s): NILLES P.
Place of buyer Soleuvre - Price: EUR 10.00
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book title: Centenaire Sapeurs Pompiers, Beaufort 1881-1981 / book author(s): Sapeurs Pompiers, Beaufort
Place of buyer Roodt - Price: EUR 15.00
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book title: Chronik der Stadt Luxemburg 963-1443 / book author(s): LASCOMBES François
Place of buyer Dudelange - Price: EUR 30.00
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book title: Dahl, Nocher, Masseler im Wandel der Zeit / book author(s): JUNCKER Henri
Place of buyer KOERICH - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Dénombrements des Feux, 1636 et 1656 / book author(s): HAMES Norbert / THIELEN Charles
Place of buyer Chernex - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Der Johannisberg, Zur Geschichte seiner Landschaft bis 1815 / book author(s): FLIES Joseph
Place of buyer wahl - Price: EUR 50.00
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book title: Dëschtennis Jeunesse, Niederpallen, 1981 / book author(s): Dëschtennis Jeunesse, Niederpallen
Place of buyer Esch-Alzette - Price: EUR 20.00
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book title: Dictionnaire du Corps Médical Luxembourgeois XIXe s. / book author(s): LIEZ Nicolas
Place of buyer Esch-Alzette - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Die Gemeinde Erpeldingen u ihre Geschichte, Band 1: BÃœRDEN / book author(s): WILHELM Michel
Place of buyer vandoeuvre-l�s-nancy - Price: EUR 100.00
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book title: Familienchronik der Gemeinde Bous / book author(s): KAYSER Prosper & KAYSER Roger
Place of buyer Wormeldange - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Familienchronik der Gemeinde Stadtbredimus 1668-1900 / book author(s): KAYSER Prosper & KAYSER Roger
Place of buyer Weilerswist - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Familienchronik der Gemeinde Stadtbredimus 1668-1900 / book author(s): KAYSER Prosper & KAYSER Roger
Place of buyer Mondorf-les-bains - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Familienchronik der Gemeinde Wellenstein 1668-1900 / book author(s): KAYSER Prosper & KAYSER Roger
Place of buyer Chernex - Price: EUR 12.00
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book title: Familienchronik der Gemeinde Wellenstein 1668-1900 / book author(s): KAYSER Prosper & KAYSER Roger
Place of buyer 60554 - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Familienchronik der Gemeinde Wellenstein 1668-1900 / book author(s): KAYSER Prosper & KAYSER Roger
Place of buyer Wormeldange - Price: EUR 0.00
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book title: Familienchronik der Gemeinde Wormeldingen 1690-1900 / book author(s): KAYSER Prosper & KAYSER Roger
Place of buyer Norco, CA, USA - Price: EUR 35.00
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book title: Feuerstättenverzeichnis von 1656 / book author(s): OSTER Edouard
Place of buyer Weilerswist - Price: EUR 20.00
book title: How to remain what you are / book author(s): ERASMUS George / KOCH-KENT Alison
Place of buyer Frisange - Price: EUR 5.00
book title: Geschichtliche Plaudereien aus Nommern / book author(s): SCHUMACHER Guillaume
Place of buyer Esch-Alzette - Price: EUR 0.00
book title: Index des noms de personnes figurant dans les tables chronologiques d'Arthur SCHON: Zeittafeln / book author(s): MAY Antoine
Place of buyer Bettembourg - Price: EUR 0.00
book title: La Ville de Luxembourg pendant la 2e moitié du XVIIe siècle, Habitants / book author(s): LASCOMBES François
Place of buyer Meslan - Price: EUR 30.00
book title: La Ville de Luxembourg pendant la 2e moitié du XVIIe siècle, Habitants / book author(s): LASCOMBES François
Place of buyer Dudelange - Price: EUR 30.00
book title: Septfontaines: Livre des Familles Les RP de 1622-1897 / book author(s): WILTGEN Alphonse
Place of buyer Port Washington, WI - Price: EUR 0.00
book title: Tatsachen aus der Geschichte des Luxemburger Landes / book author(s): MULLER Dr. P. J.
Place of buyer Luxembourg - Price: EUR 0.00
book title: Kulturgeschichte des luxemburger Landes, en 3 tomes / book author(s): Van WERVEKE, Nicolas
Place of buyer Chernex - Price: EUR 0.00
book title: 150 Joër Kanton Réiden 1841-1991 / book author(s): Collectif d'auteurs
Place of buyer Rambrouch - Price: EUR 30.00
book title: Den Weg entlang / book author(s): THEIS Nicolas
Place of buyer Clervaux - Price: EUR 5.00
book title: Les créneaux du souvenir / book author(s): KLECKER Nic
Place of buyer selange - Price: EUR 5.00
book title: nos cahiers, 1996/1 / book author(s):
Place of buyer BERINGEN - Price: EUR 0.00
book title: Hémecht 1992/1 / book author(s):
Place of buyer wahl - Price: EUR 0.00
book title: Umwelt Atlas für Luxemburg / book author(s): FRÜHAUF Dulli et KOLLWELTER René
Place of buyer Nommern - Price: EUR 5.00
book title: Un nom inepuisable / book author(s): RINDONE Vincent
Place of buyer Bettembourg - Price: EUR 1.00
book title: Jahrbuch 1979 / book author(s): Association des Aveugles
Place of buyer Berlin - Price: EUR 0.00
book title: Fête Nationale du Travail et de la Terre CONSDORF / book author(s): Doyenné d'Echternach
Place of buyer Itzig - Price: EUR 5.00
book title: Die Dekanatskirche von Bettemburg 1875-1890 / book author(s): ACHEN Gustave, KREMER Milly, SCHMIT Adolphe
Place of buyer Bettembourg - Price: EUR 8.00
book title: Trei der Hemecht - Zwischen den Fronten / book author(s): Alphonse WENKIN, Marie-Thérèse FEIDER-WENKIN
Place of buyer Bettembourg - Price: EUR 10.00
book title: Studien zur Toponymie und Geschichte der Gemeinde Differdingen, Band 2 / book author(s): KODISCH Nicolas
Place of buyer Differdange - Price: EUR 10.00
book title: Banque Raiffeisen, 75 ans 1926-2001 / book author(s): Banque Raiffeisen
Place of buyer Dudelange - Price: EUR 15.00
book title: L'étoile juive au Luxembourg / book author(s): CERF Paul
Place of buyer Lorentzweiler - Price: EUR 15.00
book title: L'étoile juive au Luxembourg / book author(s): CERF Paul
Place of buyer LUXEMBOURG - Price: EUR 0.00
book title: Mertzig, 897 Geburten 1875-1909 / book author(s): luxroots / Joseph SCHREINER
Place of buyer MERTZIG - Price: EUR 7.00
book title: Nommern, 2.944 Geburten 1797-1909 / book author(s): luxroots / Fraenz WALTHER
Place of buyer Saint Vincent de tyrosse - Price: EUR 12.00
book title: Vichten, 2.379 Geburten 1799-1909 / book author(s): luxroots / Georges EICHER
Place of buyer MERTZIG - Price: EUR 11.00
book title: Beckerich, 3.115 baptêmes 1673-1797 / book author(s): luxroots / Christiane KRIER-PETERS
Place of buyer Wasserbillig - Price: EUR 33.00
book title: Surré, 139 baptêmes 1779-1793 / book author(s): luxroots / Joseph SCHLOESSER
Place of buyer MEDERNACH - Price: EUR 0.00
book title: Pintsch, 3.003 baptêmes 1686-1797 / book author(s): luxroots / Joseph SCHLOESSER
Place of buyer AYDOILLES - Price: EUR 27.00
book title: Boulaide, 1.427 baptêmes 1740-1799 / book author(s): luxroots / Joseph SCHLOESSER
Place of buyer MEDERNACH - Price: EUR 0.00
book title: Oberwampach, 667 baptêmes 1715-1799 / book author(s): luxroots / Joseph SCHLOESSER
Place of buyer Luxembourg - Price: EUR 9.00
book title: Amerika: Auswanderung vor hundert Jahren. Ein Beitrag / book author(s): MALGET Jean
Place of buyer Luxembourg - Price: EUR 5.00
book title: Elvange-Hovelange-Schweich. 800 Joer Pâr Schwécherdaul / book author(s):
Place of buyer MERTZIG - Price: EUR 15.00
book title: Das Labyrinth Strach. Erlebte Sowjetunion / book author(s): SCHMIT, Joseph
Place of buyer 46485 - Price: EUR 10.00
book title: Die Hl. Kreuz-Pfarrei Goesdorf / book author(s): JUNCKER Henri
Place of buyer KOERICH - Price: EUR 25.00
book title: Die Mühlen des Luxemburger Landes / book author(s): ERPELDING Emile
Place of buyer Irsch - Price: EUR 0.00
book title: Die Pfarrkirche Medernach: mit einem dorfgeschichtlichen Anhang / book author(s): KASS Mathias. Prof. Dr.
Place of buyer Port Washington, WI - Price: EUR 0.00
book title: Livre du Cinquantenaire de la ville de Dudelange, 1907-1957 / book author(s): Collectif d'auteurs
Place of buyer Dudelange - Price: EUR 0.00
8534 views since December 17th, 2011

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