Genealogy Center of Luxembourg





Winterscheid, ehemaliges Standesamt
HOME    Search - our current inventory of data input for this entity
documentsPeriod Status yearAssociate
399Births1799-1814Data input finished in 2020 by Aloyse JODOCY
3733Births1815-1910Data input finished in 2020 by Martina KLOSE
0Births1900-1909Current data input since 2023 by Martina Klose
850Marriages1830-1932Data input finished in 2021 by Martina KLOSE
1887Deaths1850-1909Data input finished in 2022 by Martina KLOSE
current inventory    parish registers    censuses    finished data entries    current data entries    data entries expected shortly    documents available for data entries

Kierchtuermspromenaden mam Tessy Glodt

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1988 Totenzettel (source:)
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